(WEEKEND OF October 21st - October 23rd)
It is important that we know who will be attending different functions each day of the weekend.
Please reply ASAP as to which events you will be attending and the number in your party.
Reply either by email to or by phone to Dinger Bell at 902-435-6410.
A small donation of $5.00 would be appreciated to cover the costs of wreaths and other expenses.
Please forward to Dinger Bell at:
29 Conrad Road, Lawrencetown, NS B2Z 1S1
Most events are subject to the weather conditions.
Just a reminder to dress for Nova Scotia in October, it can be cold/wet.
Friday October 21st, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Service at Damage Control School, Purcell’s Cove, NS.
Dress: Semi-formal (Kootenay jackets would be nice rather than a sports jacket)
Invitations from the Damage Control School Kootenay will be mailed by the navy for this event as usual.
Please reply ASAP if you will be attending this event and the number in your party.
Reply either by email to or by phone to Dinger Bell at 902-435-6410.
12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Meet at Fleet Club. Parking is available in north end parking area.
Family and friends are requested to stay at the Fleet Club where refreshments will be available.
Former naval personnel will board buses before 12:30 p.m. to be taken to the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic to board
HMCS Sackville prior to 1:00 p.m. for the burial of Commander Norton. The service will end at approximately 3:00 p.m.
at which time personnel will board the buses to return to the Fleet Club.
Please reply ASAP if you will be attending this event for Commander Norton as attendance is limited.
Reply either by email to or by phone to Dinger Bell at 902-435-6410.
Approximately 3:00 p.m.
Upon arrival of buses from service aboard HMCS Sackville, Mrs. Norton will be hosting a
reception at the Fleet Club. All are welcome.
Please reply ASAP if you will be attending this event and the number in your party.
Reply either by email to or by phone to Dinger Bell at 902-435-6410.
Saturday October 22nd, 2011
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Group breakfast at Day’s Inn Hotel, 20 Highfield Park Dr., Highfield Park in Dartmouth. All are welcome.
Please reply ASAP if you will be attending this event and the number in your party.
Reply either by email to or by phone to Dinger Bell at 902-435-6410.
10:00 a.m.
Arrive at Shearwater Yacht Club harbour-side across from main entrance to CFB Shearwater. Parking is available.
The Yacht Club has graciously offered their facilities to us. The bar will be open and a barbecue will be available
until 5:00 p.m. This event will not be affected by weather conditions.
10:30 a.m.
Those wishing to attend a tour of McNab’s Island can start boarding the boat. This will be a shuttle service
of approximately 25 people per trip. Cost: $20.00 per person payable upon boarding. Tour is subject
to weather conditions. Dress warm.
Please reply ASAP if you will be attending this event and the number in your party.
Reply either by email to or by phone to Dinger Bell at 902-435-6410.
Sunday October 23rd, 2011
8:20 a.m.
Commemorative Service and wreath laying at Bonaventure Anchor in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax. Parking is available
in parking lot adjacent to container pier. For those with limited mobility we have obtained permission for you to
drive your vehicle directly into the park using the gate by Shakespeare by the Sea in the parking area previously mentioned.
There will be personnel to direct you.
Upon completion of service we will be attending the gravesite of Lou Stringer in Fairview Cemetery
for a wreath laying.
While at the cemetery this would be an opportunity to view the Titanic gravesites as well.
After leaving the cemetery those that wish to view the “Wall of Honour” in the Admiral’s Garden
beside the museum at CFB Stadacona may do so.
Day’s Inn (by McKay Bridge/Shannon Park)
Address: 20 Highfield Park Drive, Highfield Park, Dartmouth
Phone number: 902-465-6555
Toll free phone number: 1-800-DAYSINN
Cost: Single or double $105.00 per night, tax included
This rate is subject to the number of bookings.
Breakfast is included home-fries extra.
If requesting accommodations at Days Inn please use code word: Kootenay
Please reply ASAP if you will be booking a reservation at Day’s Inn.
Reply either by email to or by phone to Dinger Bell at 902-435-6410.
Juno Tower (for those that qualify)
Phone: 902-422-5645
Attention: Heather (please include your service number)
Code word: Kootenay
Cost: $60.00 per night
Please book reservation at least 6 weeks in advance.
Burnside Hotel (towards Bedford near Magazine Hill)
Address: 739 Windmill Rd, Dartmouth
Phone: 1-800-830-4656 or 902-468-7117
Cost: double $79.00 per night, plus tax
Limited accommodations.
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